i am a little tardy in making this entry, however I need to address Pride weekend. Admittedly, I classify myself amongst the post-gay. At this point, being a 'mo is really a non-issue. I am sure to rile the HRC with this one, but if someone doesn't want to hire me, live near me, trim my hair etc then good riddance. I really an industrious, tidy and a good tipper so their loss.
Ostensibly that negates the need for Pride. I'm here, I'm queer and I'm used to it. Oh, guess again. It is good to get out enjoy the sun, the vodka, the friends and the tide of humanity.
There is no better time to enjoy one's friends too. The possibilities are endless, and there is something that occurs when we consume minimal amounts of vodka in the sun. There is some sort of photolytic process that causes one to loose one's faculties. Friends sometimes get carried away, as did RG and SG.
That is not to say that the connections made are not worthy. I speak from experience on this one people, or all two of you who happen to have found your way to my blog. And what of those 'connections' you ask. Yes, what of them? I have learned from experience readers not to over analyze things. You'd be best to roll with it and learn to enjoy. That is really the theme of Pride, enjoy it and whatever you do don't think too much.
At the end of the afternoon that is not to say that all the celebrating and connections made do not become overwhelming. They do:
And that will do too. Time to head for home and re-hydrate Queers.