I do try to avoid politics in this blog, but I understand that certain members of the 'right wing' (ie gun toters, gold standard advocates) regard the UN as a left wing conspiracy. Fear not libertarian minded readers, I assure this this is no homage to socialism. Well, to the extent that the socialists pay their dues, keep their comments brief and refrain from human rights violations.

The basic premise of the UN is to make sure that we (humanity) get along and refrain from murdering each other. Who could object to that? In this way the UN functions as a museum of what we ought not to do to each other. Among the more provocative artifacts are those from Hiroshima.

It is interesting to ponder that I could rub elbows with the North Koreans here, although they are not referred to as 'North Koreans'. People Powered Democratic something or other is how Kim Jong nomenclates his nation. And for that matter North Koreans are allowed out and about Manhattan and environs within a 25 mile radius. I am sure Manhattan or New Jersey for that matter is a good deal more hospitable on any day than picking raddishes and listening to the lectures of dear leader piped through Big Bro communication instruments.
I have much to say about the retrosche aesthetics of this compound on Manhattan's east side, but I will save that for another post.
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