Monday, August 15, 2011

Chicago Full Moon Fire Jam- Pyrotechnics in Action

Do you play with fire for fun?

Some do, and if you fall into this category the Full Moon Fire Jam could be for you! Spontaneously last night, I was inspired to join as a spectator. The premise is artful, but simple. Here I'm quoting from the site:

We practice fire as an art form, with passion, anytime, anywhere, for any reason.

For any reason!? Does that sound militant? Maybe it could be re-written to place less emphasis on spontaneous pyrotechnics. Which is what the above implies. However these events are planned to coincide with the waxing full moon. The Fire Jam is approximate, as the performers can't obtain permits for pyrotechnic events on Fridays or Saturdays. It says so on the site, and I have to wonder why. It's not like the people who perform or are most likely to attend are the demo most likely to need to arise early on a Monday morning. If it is for safety purposes, should these events get out of hand, wouldn't that be just as likely to happen on a Sunday as on a Saturday?

Who performs in these you may be asking? Well, literally a devoted band of followers. The demo is sort of a melange of the Bristol Renaissance Faire meets Lord of the Dance meets Mad Max. This could be your scene if you can answer yes to any of the following:
  • Do you like to dress as a troll, a dragon, a Lord or a Lady? 
  • Do you like reenactments? 
  • Do you have a keen sense of the dystopian future? 
  • Do you go by a moniker like Turbo Rainbow? 
  • Are you a contemporary, macrame fashionista?

On last observation, and this is going to betray me as not a true Fire Jammer. To the fellow who takes and holds the ignition source, a fuel of some sort, in his mouth and spews it to create the fire that a little risky? What does that do to your periodontal well being? Really that is more of a rhetorical musing, but if any of you would like to comment, by all means.

The next Fire Jam is on September 12th at 7pm. Maybe see you there.

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