Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Evanston Mash Up- Hang With Those Smarter Than You!

I've been busy guesting at Evanston Live on the Mash Up.

No need to neglect Crier any longer. But, I'm going to make this a concise post.

Quick question- can you spot someone who is smarter than you? If yes, and if this does not cause an existential crisis, then you probably understand that there is much you can learn from these people. The premise is simple: you can learn from people who have knowledge that you don't. Here's a great way to start:

Evanston's Brain Trust Mash Up
  • Visit @EvanstonLive and read the post
  • Attend the Mash Up- tickets are available as of this writing
  • Collaborate with those who are smarter than you- they do exist!
I've spent a good portion of this year seeking opportunities to learn all I can from others. I seek out those I know to be smarter than me, or at least more knowledgeable about a specific topic. Many of them are willing to share their experiences. What do I take from this? That those who are able to bring others together, who can incite them to share their experiences and see how they complement one another stand to gain. Gain what you ask? The collective power, the Groundswell, of talent that when moving in the same direction is an irrestible force.

That's the genius of an event like the Mash Up, and it is unique to a place like Evanston. In short- it's where the people are smarter than you.

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